Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2nd Week Down

I gained a pound this week, not at all worried cause I did have a pretty good week none the less.  I blame it mostly on Tuesday night before the weigh in.  We are in the planning stages of our 25th high school reunion and we had a meeting, a few drinks we had, some bad food was eaten and all on the eve of weighing in...  It was just timing I believe and look for something pretty good this week...  Stay tuned...




Seth said...

those drinks will get ya.

TitanThirteen said...

So you need to lose at least 2 pounds this week :o)

Kim Ayres said...

You lost over 10lbs, then gained a pound, then went silent on us, Brad.

I'm concerned.

Let us know you're ok

Half Man said...

I haven't been around in a while and just wanted to say, "Hi"

Sayre said...

Hey, Brad... where'd you go??? How are you doing??