Friday, June 20, 2008


I haven't had a lot of time lately to blog but I am still looking after my weight and health. I've been on the bike several times and been watching my bad food intake pretty closely too. It doesn't happen to quickly anymore but I have to realize that where I am right now is what you would call my "Set Point". The weight you body gets used to and you really need to shock your system to blow through a set point. I was as this weight from January of '86 for probably 15 years until I put on the next 75lbs, that may be why it is much harder now than it was to get the initial 75 off. We'll keep working on it and get there at some point in time. My goals are a little less aggressive than they have been in the past but slow and steady wins the race. Reality tells me I can be under 300 by the end of the year and that is my VERY realistic goal now. Patience is the KEY.

Thanks everyone for your support.

Looks like the captain and everyone else is kind of fading on this 4th of July Challenge. Spidey may still have a chance but I don't plan on giving up so bring it on.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Liberty's 90th Party

I wanted to post a few pictures of my Grandmother's 90th Birthday party here. Some of my family frequents this blog to check up on my FAT FIGHT and for those of you that couldn't make this party I just wanted to share. If you click (or double click) on the pictures they will enlarge and if you right click on it you should be able to save it if you want it. OKAY, so I lied about double clicking to enlarge but please feel free to save to your files if you wish.

Thanks and God Bless..

Monday, June 9, 2008

Spidey Hits the NAIL on the HEAD

Read Spidey's post and know that he hits the nail directly on the head. LINK

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Finally Ready Again

I am finally ready to make a concerted effort toward improving my health. I made HUGE progress last year and kind of rested on my laurels so to speak, still working but not putting my WHOLE efforts into it, so its time again.

Sunday I got 4 miles in on the bike and last night I went for an hour and got in about 10 miles and finally found the West Papio Trail. It's so much nicer and safer to be on the trail that to travel through town stopping at stop signs, dodging cars and riding on the narrow sidewalks at times. I've got a headlight and a taillight on my bike so completing this at 10pm was really no big deal.

I am excited and feel refreshed today and ready to do it again. Golf league tonight and then back to the trail on Thursday night. We'll be camping this weekend but will take the bikes along too so look for some good exercise over the weekend too.

Only a MONTH left in the 4th of July Challenge and I WILL win it FOR SURE. There is no doubt in my mind.