Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Finale - Finishing Very Poorly

Not dwelling on it but I gained 8 pounds durning the last week of our contest - My body was screwed up and two days after the last weigh in those 8 pounds had dissappeared, I dunno, I wasnt happy and actually I was pretty pissed off, we'll leave it at that ...

NOW - the next contest starts tomorrow - I will make this VERY hard for anyone else to win this but me...

Stay Tuned...

FTF and Keep the Faith


x said...

you should join big clydes mayday challenge.

40 Something said...

not a bad idea midlife, he needs to do something or he will be 400 by years end, you deserve better Brad, treat yourself like your worth something

Sayre said...

I can understand how motivation can flag - especially when it seems like you're not getting anywhere. I struggle with that quite a bit. I hope you find yours soon and make it work for you.

TitanThirteen said...

8lbs in a week, dude!
You need to get serious or you'll undo all your hard work :o/